Come celebrate your dream wedding on one of Fiji's 333 beautiful islands. Experience that romantic feeling in this truly relaxing tropical paradise. Weddings in Fiji are recognized as legal worldwide. In Fiji wedding parties are often able to take over an entire resort for total privacy or just the two of you on a picnic on an exclusive coral atoll. A choice of beautiful locations range from saddlebacks to tropical rainforest, barefoot to ballroom, glass sided chapels to traditional churches on any of our 333 islands. The culture with natural hospitality seeped in fascinating tradition, Fiji is a land of song and dance.
Wedding Requirements
Overseas visitors intending to get married in Fiji are required by law to obtain and sign a marriage license from the nearest registry prior to the ceremony with an average of 36 hours in advance. The couple must provide the following personal documents to the registrar for verification purposes at least two weeks before the wedding:
• Original birth certificate
• Valid passport
• Divorce papers if applicable
• Death certificate if previous spouse is deceased
• Written parental consent is required if either party is under 21 years of age
• A certificate of single status or certificate of no legal impediment must be produced only if:
• Marriage between a Fiji citizen and a foreign citizen
• Marriage by former citizens of Fiji
• Marriage between foreign citizens residing in Fiji
• Marriage applicants from Japan must produce the koseki-shouhon to certify their personal details
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